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Master Builder

Writer: Pranoti GuptaPranoti Gupta

Updated: Mar 17, 2022

It’s a hard call not to be a victim of the world we see around us; especially when people around us are engaged in the blame game. To achieve inner peace, we must be able to change our distorted perceptions through the societal lens given to us. With so much negativity and violence, is it even feasible to build trust and perceive an innocent world? What I see without is a mere reflection of my perception within my mind. A projection based on the lens of fear, hatred, power, and control.

COVID has shaken our world to the core, making us realize the world is going through paradigm shifts and nature is our biggest teacher. Last couple of years with the pandemic outbreak, racial and terrorist attacks, Ukraine- Russia war, world politics, anti-vax protests, a surge of mass awakening -a cry for freedom (a debatable concept) has caused havoc. A downfall of humanitarian values was seen. Where is this going to end? Were the protestors unaware of the dire consequences? Children, who were meant to be cozy in their beds were sleeping and subjected to violence on the tents put up outside NZ parliament. Police holding barricades and shields to stop the violent protestors never seen in the history of NZ.

Life begins with survival for all human beings and living things. The evolutionary process could not wipe out the hierarchical structure, the status quo creating deadly competition for survival. I experienced the masked face of the corporate world, where people pulled each other down, criticized, and humiliated unnecessarily, feeding on each other’s' energies. Being a human is a big blessing, often forgotten in the rat race. The vulnerable ones are easily exploited or emotionally abused.

With mastery over our energies, one can gain control over life. Ignorance or enlightenment is a choice as the outer world will not revolve around what you want due to many variables. When fear, anger, pain, misery arises from within, it's time to look within at the behavioural patterns and attachments. Worshipping the body like a temple with exercise, diet, laughter, and sleep along with the mental diet can bring peace, joy into our life, erasing the negativity and bitterness gained through painful experiences. Responsibility gives you the freedom of action and non-action.

The spiritual journey teaches us many lessons which turn to be blessings as one evolves on this path. While going through this transformative process, I was my last priority and always believed in kind deeds. Easier said than done, yet whether to evolve or repeat the lessons was a choice. Ironically, the world’s happiness or sorrow rested on my shoulders. I was vulnerable and extremely sensitive to the toxicity around me. Past hurt and fear had created walls of loneliness, sadness, anger, pain. I wondered is it possible to rise above the labels and treat each other gently with love and beauty? Would it be possible to break the walls of gender, race, religion, labels without hurting the beautiful soul within? “Communist, Catholic, Hindu, Muslims, Jews, Schizophrenic, OCD, BPD, PTSD “the list is endless. We are so clueless that another individual is also a good father, gentleman, dedicated teacher, a good human being, a creator, and a dreamer. The big labels given by Doctors, Politicians, Priests, Gurus, etc overshadow the virtues tarnishing the individual for a lifetime resulting in the modern-day messed up violent, angry bullies. No wonder the suicide and crime rates are on the rise. Are we not responsible for all the anger and violence around to some extent?

The practice of sharing new knowledge was not appealing and criticized even if it was for the betterment of society. To welcome peace, harmony, or the Tao in our life, one needs to consciously observe WHO is going through this experience? Who was hurt? My bruised ego or my true self? How am I feeling? Sometimes, profound wisdom and knowledge about yourself and others can be gained from simple questions. It's a 2 in one win for knowing your true self and increasing the focus.

Understanding that you are the architect of your destiny, with a rich, inner wise world, one can conquer the demons steadily. A glimpse of the safe, kind, peaceful world viewed from the eyes of an innocent child wouldn’t remain a farfetched dream.

Author: Pranoti Gupta

Disclaimer: The above information is one of the pathways to enrich our inner life to create a beautiful, peaceful outer world around us.



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