I was intrigued by an illustration on the book cover of ‘Rhinoceros Success’ written by Alexander Scott. A colossal rhino driving past the stationary cows grazing in the pasture; poking out his massive rhinoceros horn out of the car window caught my eye. The author’s main idea revolves around how to be a rhinoceros in different aspects of your life.
The introductory beginning, “Somewhere, deep I the jungle where few dare venture, there lives a wild animal called success. You and I are part of that group who must have success. The rewards are great. You will have the greatest time of your life charging through the jungle. Let’s go! Right now, is the season for success.” It inspires the audience to charge at their problems and be ready to face significant obstacles as we aim for Rhinoceros success. Humour and fun of being a rhino are stressed through illustrations, satire and puns. The thought-provoking philosophy builds a sense of excitement, curiosity and mystery for avid readers. It pushes the readers to take risks in life and drop the fear of unknown or change in life. It reflects a different perspective, motivating us to look at life as a beautiful journey and not a comparison or race with others. It reminds us that each one of us comes with a different question paper and set challenges in life, so cheating, lying will not work if we want to succeed.
Scott talks about ‘Rhinoceros Fuel’ that turns a lazy, contented, passive cow into an energetic, powerful, charging rhinoceros. What keeps that rhino charging? What drives him to bring this transformation? Why can’t he relax in the pasture and be realistic, ignorant and lazy, rationalizing his failure like cows? It is the belief to see the floating opportunities and charge them down that makes the difference. Rhinos are naturally high and alive with antidepressants. The motto ‘Believe and Succeed’ picturizes the rhino’s ability to turn unsurmountable adversity into success on his own terms. It’s all in the mind. It takes rhinoceros training, determination, thick skin to charge persistently towards the goals. If you can see it all, you can do it. It’s as if he has discovered the secret ingredient of success.
The book not only uplifts the spirits of the readers but also inspires them to design the life of their dreams and achieve more to have a better balance in financial, work, physical, social, family and spiritual areas of life. Alexander Scott reminds us to be careful not to slip back into the pasture with cud-chewing cows awaiting their slaughter. His message is bold – BE AUDACIOUS as Rhinos have no excuses. Use your rhinoceros’ imagination and creativity to solve every problem. It helps us enjoy life and focus on the brighter side of life.
Let’s see the light and positivity at the end of the tunnel and the ocean of opportunities in front of us.
Disclaimer: The book summary is an authentic expression to inspire the audience to read the book and achieve great success and happiness in their lives; despite the struggles and challenges.
Author: Pranoti Gupta